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Quality Service

(100% Hand Wash)

Affordable Prices

Expericed Detailer

We'll Clean You Up in a Jiffy

Dairy Flat Car Valet is a professional in vehicle grooming and detailing that specializes in cars, including SUVs, UTE, and fleet vehicles.


Every wash and detail is done by hand. No robotics, no drive-thru… Just precise detailing that can only be done BY HAND.

Dairy Flat & Coatesville area
Free Pickup & Drop-off

- Other Northshore areas & West Harbour when spent over $100

- Other Auckland areas POA (surcharge applies)

Need Surface Protection?

Ceramic Coating is a chemical polymer solution that is applied to the exterior of a vehicle to protect it from external paint damage. Typically applied by hand, it blends with the paint of your car and creates an additional hydrophobic layer of protection.


The main idea is to prevent dirt, grime, and stain marks from appearing on the paint job and ruining the clear coat.

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